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Concepts or Inventions

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water with enzyme, solube, cellulose and bone initial cell with protein, hormone, and delivrry matrix to regrow missing vert. in one procedure

Water storage bag, which is an inflatable air mattress product, and a fitting for a hose made from cream dispenser which is not shown

Replacement generator cage made from scrap metal (testing implementation)

keep safety including contained fuel

Wood stove prototype with innovative features like scrubber and heat retention element

an area naming system that is complimentary to all areas, example for a 5m radius of a particular GPS which numbers are pronounced as words(like a roman numeral with decimal system), with planetary suffix. example: eden x xxxvii cviiou e (eden 10km 37 107.6 earth

Environment Friendly Cooling System powering just small fan by solar electricity

ascii text description
. fill bottle on fill hose, taped
 threaded opening around
 hose, hose fastened
. 1/8 inch metal plate
. solar panel and battery
. round hollow tube
. electric fan
. clay pot with small hole in 
. a few medium rocks and 
some sand
. ground with hole to fit
. 4 electric fence wires to
fasten form fan wire
fasteners to 4 holes in wall,
. 2 electric fence wires to 
fasten in fan mount hole,
wrap around plate and fasten
in opposing side fan mount hole
. duct tape wrapped around 4
solid wires and sealed to wall 
to make duct
. system is in shaded area

dual hose clamp for stronger fastening in some situations

clear soil beads, nutrients, and container, or clear plasma growth environment and clear container, for observing sprouting of plant seeds

Powered trike concept

A laptop protective cage kit made of hard, thick metal perimeter, sturdy hinge or hinges, shaped to protect edges and surfaces, mount point at all impact directions, case plastic thickness self-tapping screw in mount made of plastic and metal washer/machine thread screw receptacle to accept cage eith screw fastener

A single-use canister that holds a moldable substance in a single gas that upon release from compression creates some heat. It being applied to broken material to be bonded at room temperate, substance adheres during cooling.

The temperature change and introduction into different gases in ambience creates a strongly-bonding harderned substance on material.
-store for emergency repairs and also kept on repairman

A base-life growth cell cluster that applied allows beginning of new bodily growth. good for emergency medical attention.

Basic organic cells and semi-organic chemical, a synthetic chemical, and glucose may be the compositions.

A thin-client type OS on smartphone that provides reliable, basic necessary and useful applications and connects to reiliable wireless internet

Research in increased intended durability of living cells

Efficient Washing Machine, was founded and is developed and maintained by:
J. Britton Steele, Soaring Services LLC