If there is a current overall management system, and there are deficiences in the world, there is likely a portioning of two problems. This would mean it lacks effectiveness and does not have the correct goals. In a world that has the technology and knowledge for it to work properly, environment healtht and kind to all beings, in addtion to the abiloty to work to a time before the safety of the planet shows question due to extraterrestrial changes, prolong the lives of those that dwell on it, to another location your even better possibly, safely reposition it when necessary, one should understand the inaduquecies of a management system that has been describes as sufficient, if the world needs a management system, directive system, or similar. This includes universal beings. I look at two inadequecies, the inability to succinctley say that all beings should be allowed good life, which means vegetarianism, fair egg and dairy products, and the work, loving, ad position of the that do their proper effort and position in a good world maintain this with proper delegations or bestowance of duties and positions. The strong summation that all beings and our planet should exist nicely, and the apex species best decision is to properly regulate its doing in the name of pure life, including its own teproduction, feeding, consumption, and retention limits. The answer is saying the fundamental directives only, not straying from it, not regressing, maintaining honest understanding of whatis good and has been good, and going forward only in that manner with the strength, intelligece, assettiveness, completeness, and resultance of being living good lives.